A Brief History of KB Productions...

I don't know how the conversation began, but my husband and I were talking about our little girl and how cute we thought she was and that it would be great if I could continue scrap booking her life as she grew up. I've never been a true scrapbooker, just tinkered with it to see how fun it could be. I found myself never having enough time to make pages for my daughters pictures. Our stack of photo memories grew higher and higher until one magical day.
My husband told me of a program he heard about from a talk radio show. The show was about computers (my husband loves the things. We have an official computer graveyard in his office. Not pretty, let me tell you.) and a program Microsoft put out called "Microsoft Movie Maker". Our family computer was pretty new and I wondered if we had the program. We did and from the moment I opened it up I knew it was how I wanted to capture my daughters life moments, by putting her beautiful pictures to music.
It's been over 8 years now since I've been making memory movies. As a joke on one of my first ones at the end I put "KB Productions All Rights Reserved". You know, to make it look professional. "KB" are my initials. As the years passed by I've made movies for funerals, birthdays, weddings, adoptions, and everything else in between. The "KB Productions" stuck and here I am, doing what I love, putting memories to music- my two favorite things. For those of you who visit my site, enjoy!

If you are interested in purchasing my services
or have any questions about video packages and
pricing, please feel free to contact me by email at


Arizona, US

© 2003 - 2008 KB Productions - All Rights Reserved.